New Report
Current Status and Issues of Japan’s Public Pension System
This paper examines core issues of Japan's public pension system, including the two-tiered structure and its income red...
Kunio Nakashima
Insurance Research Department
Investment Policy and Pension Governance in GPIF
This material was presented at the World Bank's Symposium on Public Pension Governance and Investment in Bali, Indonesi...
Masaharu Usuki -
DB Plan Management-Lessons from Market Turmoil
This material was presented at the World Bank's Symposium on Public Pension Governance and Investment in Bali, Indonesi...
Masaharu Usuki -
Japan’s Population Decrease Calls for a Paradigm Shift from Growth to Quality
With Japan’s population decrease expected to give rise to many new phenomena in the economy and society, the growth par...
Katsunori Inoguchi -
Current Status and Issues Regarding the Employment of Older Workers
Older persons in Japan are well known even abroad for their strong work motivation and high labor force participation rate. Amo...
How the Rapid Growth of Non-Regular Employees Will Impact the Next Round of Employment Adjustment
We predict the next round of employment adjustment will largely bypass regular employees and impact the rapidly growing segme...
Taro Saito
Economic Research Department
On the Financial Situation of Elderly Households-A Structural Analysis of Income, Expenditure, and Wealth
Knowing the exact financial situation of elderly households is essential to the current debate on social security reform, par...
Tatsuya Ishikawa Koichi Haji -
Prospects for Recovery of the Real Estate Investment Market
The turmoil in world financial markets has impacted J-REITs and private funds in Japan’s real estate investment marke...
Toru Matsumura -
The Growing Risk of an Extended Recession-Short-term Economic Forecast (FY 2008-2010)
We believe that Japan’s economy peaked out in late 2007 and entered a downturn. Real GDP contracted for the second conse...
Taro Saito
Economic Research Department
The U.S. Dollar’s Amazing Strength in the Deepening Financial Crisis
Amid the deepening global financial crisis triggered by the U.S., the dollar has encountered mounting downside pressures, in...
Yasuhide Yajima
Policy Research Department
Reconsidering the Expanding Role and New Paradigm for Japan’s Cultural Policy
Japan’s cultural policy now stands at a crossroads. Looking back, local cultural administration first ...
Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto -
Low Valuation of Residential J-REITs Overlooks a Key Factor-Stability of Rental Income
J-REITs specializing in residential properties are now extremely undervalued. However, residential rents tend to be far les...
Kazumasa Takeuchi -
The U.S. Housing Market Collapse and Adjustment of Household Balance Sheets-Medium-term Economic Forecast
Amid the global economic turmoil triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, we predict Japan’s economy will aver...
Koichi Haji -
At the Frontier of Long-term Care-Establishing Care that Supports the Dignity of Elders
In 2006, the public Long-term Care Insurance (LTCI) system underwent a major reform that, among other things, set a new goal of &...
Keiko Yamanashi -
Financial Overview of Life Insurance Companies in Fiscal 2007
Due in part to the inappropriate handling of claims payments, new business at the nine leading life insurers plummeted in fisca...
Kunio Ogihara -
Can Purposeful Giving Change Society? The Diversification of Personal Philanthropy
While charitable donations by households have declined in recent years, a diverse range of donation methods has emerged, incl...
Akemi Tsukada -
Discounted New Stock Issues of J-REITs
Recently, new stock issues (capital increases) of J-REITs have occurred at prices well below book value per share, fueling con...
Hiroto Iwasa
Financial Research Department
The Downtrend of Value-Added Productivity
Corporate earnings peaked out around last summer. If the turnaround was largely due to the subprime loan crisis, the situation ...
Hidetaka Kawakita -
Reassessing the Accuracy of Analyst Estimates
Unlike the prestigious I/B/E/S consensus forecast in the U.S. and Europe, analyst estimates in Japan are not highly regarded, ...
Shuichi Chizawa -
Economy Struggles with Rising Raw Material Prices-Short-Term Economic Forecast (FY 2008-2009)
Real GDP in Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2008 surged an impressive 4.0% (annualized) from the previous quarter. However, rising raw material p...
Taro Saito
Economic Research Department
“Downsizing” of Housing and Lifestyles for a Low-Carbon Aging Society
“Downsizing” is an emerging trend in home remodeling. It is driven by the aging of society, which causes househ...
The Next Step in Securing Women Workers - New Work Arrangements for Non-Working Housewives
As employers vie for the dwindling number of new workers entering the labor force, we explore strategies to “lock in...
Asset Allocation of Defined Contribution Plans in Japan
In defined contribution (DC) plans, the asset allocation decisions of plan participants can significantly affect benefits a...
Employees’ Pension Insurance Must Cover More Part-Time Workers and Permanent Employees
Legislation to integrate three Mutual Aid pension plans into the Employees’ Pension Insurance plan has stalled in the ...
Kunio Nakashima
Insurance Research Department
Estimate of Additional Funding Needed to Forego Macroeconomic Indexing of the Basic Pension
The National (Basic) Pension faces key issues not only on the funding side—most recently regarding tax-based funding...
Kunio Nakashima
Insurance Research Department
Proposal to Make Financial Institutions Carbon Neutral by 2020
Since 1990 (the base year for Kyoto Protocol commitments), carbon dioxide emissions in Japan have decreased in the industries ...
Corporate Ownership Structure in Japan-Recent Trends and Their Impact
The corporate ownership structure in Japan has changed significantly since the late 1990s. Using a new shareholder classific...
Keisuke Nitta -
Trends in Employment Stabilization of Older Persons-Achieving Work-Life Balance in the Aging Society
The amended law concerning stabilization of employment of older persons, which took effect in April 2006, is steadily expandi...
Current Status and Outlook for the Real Estate Investment Market
In our latest annual survey of real estate investment professionals and experts (conducted in October 2007), respondents wer...
Masanori Oka -
Building Code Revision Intensifies Downside Risk to the Economy - Short-term Economic Forecast(FY 2007~2008)
The real economy expanded at a 1.5% annualized rate in the third quarter of 2007, following negative growth in the second quarte...
Taro Saito
Economic Research Department
Social media account
Shingo Ide
New Equity Index May Overcome Problems of Capitalization-Weighted Indexing
Yasuhide Yajima
The U.S. Dollar’s Amazing Strength in the Deepening Financial Crisis
Kim Myoungjung
Future Issues of Indefinite Employment Reclassification Rule - Learning from the Precedent in South Korea -
Kanako Amano
An International Comparison and Analysis of Japan's High Suicide Rate
Sayuri Ito
What is the prospects of trilateral cooperation to the WTO reform?
Taro Saito
Japan’s Economic Outlook for Fiscal Years 2024-2026 (November 2024)