New Report
Subprime Mortgage Crisis Casts a Global Shadow-Medium-term Economic Forecast (FY 2007~2017)
The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has roiled global financial markets and will continue to sway the world economy for several y...
Koichi Haji -
Assessing Private Pension Plan Regulation in Japan
This paper examines the regulation and legal practices of Japanese private sector pensions and compares them to the OECD Recom...
Masaharu Usuki -
Preventive Behavior and Health Guidance from the New Perspective of Gerontology
A national disease management program (specified health examination and guidance program) that targets lifestyle illnesse...
Nobuhiro Maeda
Social Improvement and Life Design Research Department
New Outlook is Needed to Ease Pension Anxiety
Ahead of the 2009 financial verification of the public pension system, the outlook for pension finances should already have be...
the Economic Research Dept. -
Subprime Loan Problem and the Securitization Market
Financial engineering has taken much blame for the turbulence in global financial and securities markets sparked by the U.S. s...
Yukio Muromachi -
Structural Changes in Saving and Income of Elderly Households
Despite the decrease in average pension benefits since the late 1990s, more elderly households are choosing not to work, in par...
Tatsuya Ishikawa -
Educational Reform Through the Arts-Initiatives from Abroad and the Challenge for Japan
More artists are providing creative education in schools across Japan. Their origin can be attributed to arts outreach progra...
Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto -
M&A Event Risk of Corporate Bonds
As M&A activity intensifies in Japan, the “M&A event risk” of corporate bonds can emerge in three ways...
Hiroshi Tsuda -
Trends in the Real Estate Investment Market
As seen by the vigorous growth of J-REITs and private real estate funds, Japan’s real estate investment market is thriv...
Masanori Oka -
Economy Must Shift to Consumption-Led Growth-Economic Forecast for FY 2007-2008
The economy’s performance was mixed in January-March (Q1) 2007. Although real GDP expanded 3.3% (annualized), indus...
Taro Saito
Economic Research Department
Status and Causes of Regional Disparity in the Economic Recovery
Regional disparities in the strength of the current economic recovery can be partly explained by differences in industrial st...
Satoshi Shinohara -
Social Inclusion and the Arts-Cases of Collaboration with Social Welfare
In recent years, social inclusion−a concept that aims to create conditions for everyone to be embraced by society and t...
Akemi Tsukada -
Pension Fund Management and Socially Responsible Investment -Thoughts from Yakushima
The 7,200-year old Jomon-sugi cedar tree on Yakushima Island is a truly awesome sight to behold. This irreplaceable natural wo...
Koji Inui -
Assessing the Insufficient Employment Sentiment in Light of Labor Share Trends
Excessive employment, which plagued the post-bubble economy for a decade, has finally ended. Today, sentiment is mounting to...
Taro Saito
Economic Research Department
Periodic Adjustment of the Topix Index Free-Float Weighting and Implications for Index Management
Free-float weights of the Topix Index are revised on a quarterly basis. Since weighting changes are announced prior to impleme...
Yuko Iwaki -
Accounting for Plan Sponsors-Trends in the Discount Rate and Expected Return on Plan Assets
Five years after the introduction of new accounting rules, both the discount rate and expected return on plan assets—t...
Masaharu Usuki -
Family and Residence in the Gracefully Aging Society-Integrating Housing and Community
Elderly persons now comprise over 20% of the population, making Japan the world’s most aged society. As people live lon...
New Equity Index May Overcome Problems of Capitalization-Weighted Indexing
We apply a new indexing method developed in the U.S. to Japanese equities. Backtesting of the new index indicates a significant ...
Shingo Ide
Financial Research Department
The Diverse Evolution of Traditional Corporate Boards in Japan
After Sony introduced a new executive officer system in 1997, Japanese corporate boards began evolving at a rapid pace. We over...
Keisuke Nitta -
On the Possibility of Pension Revision in 2009
In the past, the public pension system was revised every five years based on a "financial recalculation" and census ...
Kunio Nakashima
Insurance Research Department
Point Card Programs -- Their Evolution and Prospects
More businesses are awarding points to customers who purchase qualifying merchandise or services. While point cards are inte...
Keisho Komoto -
J-REIT Market Trends -- Implications of the Growth of Index Funds
Propelled by attractive dividend yields and the real estate market recovery, the five-year-old J-REIT market has gro...
Hiroto Iwasa
Financial Research Department
2002 Expansion to Set a Postwar Record -- Short-term Economic Forecast (FY 2006~2007)
Real economic growth slowed to a 0.2% sequential pace (0.8% annualized) in the third quarter of 2006. As consumption decreased...
Koichi Haji -
The Economic Impact of Aging Baby Boomers -- Medium-term Economic Forecast (FY 2006~2016)
Japan, the U.S. and Europe share a common challenge in the next decade -- accommodating the aging of postwar baby boomer...
Koichi Haji -
Hedging with Bond Futures -- A Way to Prepare for Rising Interest Rates
Termination of the zero-interest rate policy has made it necessary to prepare for rising interest rates. Bond futures are a com...
Implications of the Proposed Consumption Tax Rate Increase on Housing -- Lessons from the EU
Fiscal restructuring is a key issue in the post-Koizumi era. The consensus view sees a consumption tax rate hike as inevitable. ...
Fumio Shinohara
Social Development Research Department
Structural Analysis of Over-Consumption in the U.S.
Personal consumption expenditures in the U.S. have been criticized as being excessive relative to disposable personal incom...
Susumu Doihara -
The Acceleration of China's Financial Reforms -- Pursuing More Efficient Resource Allocation
China's economy has been prone to excess investment because the financial system, which centers around indirect finance by st...
Sayuri Ito
Economic Research Department
Improving the Public Pension Statement -- Suggestions Based on Survey Results
The government is studying ways to enhance the public pension statement. By informing participants about their estimated ben...
Masaharu Usuki -
The Relevance of Retirement Plans to Human Resource Management at Second-Tier and Small & Medium Enterprises
Second-tier and small & medium enterprises are revising their retirement plans ahead of the 2012 deadline for phasing out ...
Social media account
Shingo Ide
New Equity Index May Overcome Problems of Capitalization-Weighted Indexing
Yasuhide Yajima
The U.S. Dollar’s Amazing Strength in the Deepening Financial Crisis
Kim Myoungjung
Future Issues of Indefinite Employment Reclassification Rule - Learning from the Precedent in South Korea -
Kanako Amano
An International Comparison and Analysis of Japan's High Suicide Rate
Sayuri Ito
What is the prospects of trilateral cooperation to the WTO reform?
Taro Saito
Japan’s Economic Outlook for Fiscal Years 2024-2026 (November 2024)