Impact of the Great Eastern Japan Disaster on the Property Market ~Special Property Market Survey After “3.11”~


(mamoru masumiya)


1. Impact of the Disaster on the Property Market
2. Anticipated Negative Effect from the Disaster
3. Most Affected Sectors
4. Risk Factors to be Considered
5. Required Measures to Prepare for Large -Scale Disasters


NLI Research Institute conducted a Special Property Market Survey immediately following the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster of March 11, 2011. We sent out 1,051 questionnaires to Japan-based property professionals by email on April 11, and received 261 valid responses by April 18 (24.8% collection rate). The question items are "Impact of the Disaster on the Property Market", "Anticipated Negative Effect from the Disaster", "Most Affected Sectors", "Risk Factors to be Considered" and "Required Measures to Prepare for Large -Scale Disasters".
